Awakened and Aligned

to cause divisions and factions, denominational walls and sectarianism, traditions and agendas of men, jealousy and competition, manipulation and control, among us. That we would align our hearts with Your hea rt…becoming one with You, and one another…and be the full expression of You in this world. That we would be perfectly one, Jesus, even as You and the Father are one. Thank You for eyes to see and ears to hear, and hearts to understand…responding to the heart of the Father, that His glory may be manifested in this earth through us…that His Name and Love would be known among the nations. That all eyes would see You for who You really are, and hearts would respond to the hope of their purpose in You as they hear Your voice, Your sound, Your heart calling out to them…”Come !”…”The Spirit AND the Bride say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ Whoever is thirsty, let hi m come; and whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely. ” (Revelation 22:17) This is why we must be one….in partnership and union with You, in You, for You…in oneness with You and Your Word…to declare, to proclaim, to be Your light, Your salt, Your truth, Your love to a world that doesn’t know who You really are….Lord Jesus, thank You for giving us Your glory that we may be one, even as You and Abba Father are one ~ thank You for making us one in You…the Hope of glory…in us, through us, around us. Jesus be seen, Jesus be known. The earth filled with YOUR glory!


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