Awakened and Aligned
One with Him who is Love. One with His heart, His mind. One with His purposes.
Christ Jesus has formed us in Himself to be one new man. Growing us up into His pure likeness. A new creation that operates in oneness with the Godhead…in perfect relationship.
The perfect marriage. The perfect family. The perfect union.
Holy Spirit is making us ready as we give ourselves to, and come into alignment with, the One. Complete. Mature. Whole. Perfected in Love. Operating in oneness. Totally dependent on our Head, as we His body move interdependently with each other.
The one new man coming into fullness.
The bride of Christ made ready for the marriage supper of the Lamb.
• We lay down our rights to become His possession. • We relinquish our old name to take on His new name. • We shake off the dust and rise so He may clothe us with His robes of righteousness. • A ring of covenant. A crown of His choosing. A creation of His making. • Branded. Sealed. One. • Holy. Pure. Eternal. [John 17, Ephesians 1-4]
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