Awakened and Aligned
There has been a tangible shift coming into 2019. I’ve spoken with several who have also experienced the sense of stepping over a threshold and through an open door in the Spirit… As if we have entered through a narrow gate and into the wide expanse of the very thing we were made for...the very thing He created us to be in Him before the foundations of the world. The last few months discussions have been filled with talk about the "New", and those who surrender to the Maker of the New Wine as He prepares us as the New Wine Skins to hold, carry, and dispense what He is pouring out in this time. There is a sense that a key has been turned, a light has come on, a trumpet sounded, and the purposes of the Lord that have waited on His timing are being released. “This is the year of the birthright.” Brian Harrison
No more delay.
The time is NOW.
The momentum feels like a holy convergence is upon us. Where the shock waves are reverberating as Heaven is pressing into earth. The great cloud of witnesses, the angelic hosts, and the army of the Lord all mobilized by the Voice of our Commander and moving as one under His headship, directed by His Spirit. For only by Holy Spirit are we truly made one. This is HIS holy, true, and perfect working. We
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