Awakened and Aligned

The Army of the Lord is Rising

T he Army of the Lord is rising. In groups of two or three, in homes, in houses of prayer, in small and large gatherings, on the streets, in the marketplace, in all spheres of influence…the Army of the Lord is assembling and rising to the Call in the full stature of Jesus Christ. The Bride is preparing. She is making ready. She is a warrior bride fit with the armor handcrafted by her King. Her devotion is to Him alone, and she bears His Name to carry out the mandate of the Kingdom of Heaven. She holds in her possession the keys to lock and unlock, to bind and to loose. She wields the Sword of the Spirit in oneness with His Word. There is an Army, a Bride, ignited with the passion of His heart, rising up and advancing. They are waking up as His called-out-ones; bearing the torch of His Truth, the purity of His Name, the righteousness of His Kingdom, the Counsel of His Wisdom, and the Light of His Glory. His Love is their motivation and His Spirit dictates their every step.

It is a Holy Fire that burns in this company…this royal priesthood, this holy nation, this people belonging to God.

They stand in the Fear of the Lord as His ambassadors, to rightly declare His Word and represent Him with honor in Truth. They allow the Consuming Fire to burn away the chaff, expose the dross, and are surrendering to His refining, purifying, and empowering purposes.


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