Awakened and Aligned

and the Life of the Son, Jesus Christ, through me? “Was Jesus seen, was Father made known?”

To know His love is Heaven on earth for us… to give His love, is Heaven on earth for someone else. (Yes, I can hear what you’re thinking, and I agree! Both to know and to give is Heaven on earth for us!)

His Love is, He is, Heaven on earth through a surrendered people that belong to Him. Let us be that people.

“Abba Father, it is because You loved us first, gave everything for us, and fill our hearts with Your Love, that we are able to love. That we would choose to live in the Way of Love, keeping in step with Your Spirit… to be Yours… Your mature sons and daughters that bring Heaven on earth while it is called Today.”

Nothing Less Will Do

I want to live Your gospel And give from the depths of Your love To drip with the fragrance of Heaven Til reality of Your Kingdom comes

Nothing less will do You inside of me Me inside of You, Lord Nothing less will do Only You, only You Only You

I want to live out Your passion By Your fire that burns in me


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