Awakened and Aligned
a new level of truth, freedom, love, and life. I would much rather experience the temporary pain of the truth that causes me to overcome and live (delighting in the discipline of our good Father), than the torture of a pain that is darkness, constantly producing misery and death. Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians 11:15, that hair for a woman represents her crowning glory and her covering. The shadow of my hair style was also from a younger time. The shadow is just a perception of the real image…it’s not the reality. We can’t rely on a shadow of what once was, but our trust and confidence must be in the Lord. Here is the reality…we were created to be ever increasing from one glory to another. We are not meant to only stay in yesterday’s revelation, and the level of the glory of God that came with it. He has fresh manna for each day. “Give us this day our daily bread”, and the Bread of Heaven is never stale! It is a glory to our Father when we partake of the fresh revelation, the fresh manna that He is bringing to the table. We make Him our absolute covering and authority when we receive His revelation, ingest it, and then live it out. It is a glory and a joy to our Father when we are growing in the progressive revelation of Jesus Christ. The more we SEE Him, the more we KNOW Him, the more we are TRANSFORMED into His image. Back to the dream…
Jesus Christ is the Head, the covering, the glory of His bride, and the glory in His bride.
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