Awakened and Aligned

“trapping” among the lists. If we are not careful, we can be trapped, ensnared, and even deceived by trying to stay in a season that the Lord has determined to end, or that has come to completion. Sometimes, we must be willing to remove the familiar before we can be clothed in the new garment. That is not to say that the seasons don’t build on one another. They most certainly do. From season to season. Precept upon precept. From glory to glory. It is the progressive revelation of God. It is His process of transforming us into the image of His Son, and into the fullness of His likeness. Much like a woman giving birth when that moment of transition comes for her baby to be born, is the process of the Lord moving us into a new season. Part of the tension comes knowing that it is time for the new and it is here yet questioning if we are ready. Also in this tension, there is pain that will most likely accompany the process; it lets us know that it is time for transition. At times, I have compared this process to a momma eagle who gradually removes all the soft material from the nest, making it so uncomfortable that the baby eaglet has no other option than to jump from the familiar and learn how to fly. There is a tension and a pressure that comes with transition.

When we come to this moment of stepping over the threshold, there is no going back.

We can trust our “Coach” and the Lover of our souls to walk us through each stage, as His purposes are birthed through His beloved. Our current vehicle symbolizes current purpose, vision, ministry, calling. It was my husband that was in the driver’s seat . Jesus Christ being our Husband (our Bridegroom, our Head), in His


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