Awakened and Aligned
Out From Canterbury... For those who have heard the Voice of their Beloved and have come out to Him, there is a holy discontentment for anything less than all of Him. No man-originated modes, methods, or efforts could ever be a substitute for the fullness, beauty, and majesty of our One and Only Love and Lord. There are no comparisons between the two, and mixture of the Authentic with the plastic does not produce lasting or edible fruit.
Out From Canterbury
By Ta mela T. Yearsley
©2022 Tammy Yearsley Printed by BT Johnson Publishing Toll-Free: 1-866-260-9563
Unless stated, Scripture quotes are New King James Version. THE NEW KING JAMES VERSION, (NKJV) Copyright © 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Printed in the United States of America ISBN: 9 78-1-952645-35-8
To my perfect loving Daddy God, Almighty Father, Creator, and Grand Orchestrator.
To my beautiful King Jesus, the Lord of my life, the Lover of my soul, my everything.
To wonderful Holy Spirit, my Counsel, and Guide, the breath and fire of God in me.
And to all those who are in hot pursuit of The Door.
To my Daddy, Father God for being Love, for upholding all things by His Word, for His beautiful Voice and His perfect Design. To my All-Together Lovely King and Lord, Jesus Christ, for being my Righteousness and Life, and taking hold of my hand to walk with Him. To my Wonderful Holy Spirit for being the empowering Fire of God in me, for infusing wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, and the fear of the Lord. To my beloved husband, Mark, for his faithful covering, for his extravagant love and support, for being an inspiration, and for encouraging me to follow the dream of Daddy God’s design. To my precious children and grandchildren for teaching me so much, and for their generous hearts towards me and Father’s bigger family over the last twen ty-seven years, in sharing their space and time. To my blessed parents, Larry and Mary Wilmot, for an eternally rich heritage of Love and Wisdom, and the legacy of this life in Christ Jesus, Papa God, and Holy Spirit. To my cherished sister, Christy Thomason, for her time and heart investment in my life and to edit this book, for being a conduit of wisdom and counsel, and for a lifetime of being there for me.
To my equipping brother and sister, Craig and Sue Wilmot, for entrusting me and inviting me into new territory years ago, releasing me into leadership. To my wonder brother, Kirk Wilmot, for being a miracle to our family, to this world, and for showing us that there is so much more. To my faithful friend, Connie Henage, a trusted confidant of over two decades who has stood by my side and held up my arms, who stands for my family and countless others. To my esteemed friend who is an apostolic father in the house of God, Brian Harrison, for exhibiting the heart of our Father, for arranging the furniture and making room, for raising up and equipping, for strengthening us to take courage and to know our place at the table. To my highly regarded friend and mentor , Mary Jean Powers, a sent one to the sent ones; for coming alongside and showing us how to come alongside others, and how to dive deep into realms of the Written Word, finding deeper intimacy with the Living Word. To my honored friend, Christie Moore, who is an apostolic arrow pointing the way by her example and confirming the revelatory Word of the Lord. To my beautiful friend, Karolee Gregory, who lent herself to years of musical orchestration with me, and who brings Heaven to earth through the keys at her fingertips.
To my prized friends, Kevin and Allison Lindley, for igniting the passions of Eternity in us by causing us to remember, for exhorting us to live in the realms of impossibilities and cheering us on in our God-given destinies.
To my respected friend, Mike Platt, for being a catalyst of change; thank you for the invitation.
To my Fiery Friends along the “Smile of Idaho” and bey ond, for their unadulterated hearts of worship, who keep the flames burning at the altar of the Lord; the Ekklesia of “Kingdom Worship Outposts” who partner with Father and King Jesus to establish the Government of God in the earth. To my dear "Friends of Five" circle, for being Heaven's conduits of Love, Life, and learning; going deep and rippling wide. To my trustworthy Friends of intercession who stand with me, my family, our Family, and for the purposes of our God and King. To my kind friend and publisher, Timothy Johnson, a prophetic voice in the Kingdom who is an agent that opens the door for the cooperate voice of the Lord.
To all my treasured Friends and Family, for sharing Life, for pursuing Love, for discovering Purpose, for building the Kingdom, for releasing Heaven on earth, for moving in oneness.
Unspeakable love and endless gratitude!
We are living in unprecedented days. It is an amazing time to be alive. The church has faced extraordinary challenges over the last several years. Many Christians blame the devil for all that is going on, but those who know their God also know that He is not sitting idle but is pressing the nations into a valley of decision. God is not poised to pull the church out of the battle but rather is speaking to the "new day church” about moving deeper and more intentionally with Him. The way forward in His eternal plan demands abandoning old ways, repenting of wrong attitudes and courageously embracing the fresh leadings of the Spirit. God is on the move in the world and is looking for those who will go with Him. Because God may speak in ways that we do not always understand, it is wise to align ourselves with many who are hearing a clear word at a deep level. The Lord is not complicated, but He does speak in parables and riddles. He hides His ways from the “wise and intelligent” b ut reveals them to the childlike and the innocent. Tammy Yearsley's new book, Awakened and Aligned, is a poetic, prophetic interpretation of the last seven years during which time much of the church has been on a collective journey. Tammy's book challenges us to align our hearts to encounter the mystery of a new thing. Those alignments are simple but profound.
In this book, you will not only find a narrative of words and dreams that have been given to guide His people over the last few years but that also serve as a pattern for the way God prophetically advances His people deeper into His purpose. God speaks in various ways and at many levels. If a person is walking with God, then the true prophetic voices should not only inform but also confirm, clarify and expand what God has been saying. Tammy is a trusted friend to so many and validates her message with a clear life of devotion. She is one of those people who keeps her finger on the pulse of God's heart. She does it through worship, prayer, walking with the community of faith, and, most importantly, moving forward in obedience to the Spirit. She is bold and she is beautiful! You will be so encouraged by this book. Encouraged by seeing where we've been and encouraged by where we're going. Tammy has gained access to an ongoing flow of understanding and clarity as to how God is directing His people. Take time to ponder these words and take in the witness of one who's seen, heard, and heeded the voice of the Lord. Welcome to the new day church!
Brian Harrison Meridian, Idaho
Oh my goodness…. Where to begin? I have been so blessed to have known my sister all of her life (with me being the elder one). ☺ My mom’s pregnancy and birth with my sister was a miracle in itself. Mom had just recovered from polio when she conceived and gave birth to Tammy, and she had also just gone through a baptism of “Love” as she had come to know her precious Savior. Tammy was filled with God’s Spirit of Love as our mother carried her through this time. She has lived out her life immersed in the love of her beloved Papa God… and few people I have known that have had such an intimate connection with her beloved Bridegroom. She has a message that is sorely needed by those who know God and for those still seeking Him. As I have read through this manuscript, I became aware of what an honor and privilege it was to read through my siste r’s “journaling” and the intimacy of her thoughts, as the Lord met with her and shared with her the treasures of His heart. I walked with Tammy as she was experiencing many of the things that she has written about here but hearing them from the deep places of her time with the Lord has been bringing them to whole different level…. Deeper and higher….. And even though these were her journaling’s of several years back and brought forward to the time of the writing of this book, they are so very relevant to what our loving Papa God is wanting to speak to His beloved in this day and at this time. The orchestration in His timings of unfolding and releasing She was born for such a time as this…..
provides the overall perfect picture of His intentional Design. As we know, there is no time or distance in the realm of the Spirit…. And many times, God speaks a thing to someone, works it out in them, and then releases it to others when the time is right. He builds line upon line and precept upon precept. His timing is always perfect in the unfolding and the release is always right on time. I would encourage all who read these intentional words of the Spirit, to take your time and “digest” what is written here. These words were written with intention and should be read wit h intention…. Gleaning from them the Truth and the Love from our precious Lord Jesus that is meant to impact your heart and your life. … Letting Him speak to your heart as only He can do. Take the time to read, ponder and savor what He is speaking to you. Diving in and asking yourself the questions that Tammy has brought forth in these writings. Ask Holy Spirit to reveal what He is wanting you to know about Himself, Papa God and Beautiful Jesus…. And who you are in Them…. And who They can be through you . Jesus, have Your perfect will and Your perfect way in the hearts and the minds of those that will be partaking of Your goodness, love, grace and mercy as they read these words of love that You have orchestrated for this day and time for Your beloved.
Dive into the Deep & Enjoy!
~ Christy Thomason , Counselor & Inner Healing Ministries, Teacher & Speaker, and radical lover of Jesus!
We are at a full circle moment. The last seven years have come to completion, marked with the time stamp of the Lord. Now, we have stepped over into the New Day at His invitation, at His beckoning, at the reach of His hand. Nothing less will do. Nothing else will do. There is no going back. There is no desire for anything else but to be where He is…right here…right now…in this moment. In every moment, and in every movement, to be one with Him. This book is a compilation of words, dreams, visions, encounters, and experiences that the Lord has given from the last seven years that speak of His Original Intent, Kingdom Paradigms, and transitioning from the “Old” into the “New”. Some of the accounts include mysteries of God unfolding in the state, region, and nation in which I live, as well as some global happenings that you will see referenced…it all relates to His bigger picture. These pages also contain lyrics to a few of the songs Holy Spirit has given in the last two decades that lend to the prophetic and apostolic message of this treasury. As you journey through these writings, you will notice they are presented as a multifaceted scope of Kingdom realities. J ust as Father’s perfect weaving and orchestration are outside of linear time, the articles in each facet and the facet themselves are assembled in God’s order. Our Creator’s purposes and the unfurling of His scrolls are multi dimensional. This work is to be viewed as a diamond with it’s many facets that exhibit the overall beauty of the gem.
In a sea of voices there is One Voice that is calling His people out from conformity to the status quo…out of the systems of this world, out of traditions of men, out of religious rituals, and out of man-made agendas. Beyond the fear of man, beyond comfort, beyond mixture, beyond self, beyond this world. He is calling a people to wake up from their slumber and rise from the dead, so Christ may shine on them…and through them ! My heart is to encourage a people to follow the Lamb wherever He goes. To exhort a people to come out of conformity and mixture, and come into a oneness with Him, His heart, His love, His Word. A life of unadulterated worship. Our entire being engaged, mobile, and fluid with Holy Spirit. Partnering with the desires and purposes of our Father’s heart, releasing them in the earth as we operate in Heaven’s Wisdom and Understanding. For those who have heard the Voice of their Beloved and have come out to Him, there is a holy discontentment for anything less than all of Him. No man-originated modes, methods, or efforts could ever be a substitute for the fullness, beauty, and majesty of our One and Only Love and Lord. There are no comparisons between the two, and mixture of the Authentic with the plastic does not produce lasting or edible fruit. By the Spirit of God, I contend to see a people growing up into the fullness of Jesus Christ. A bride made ready and living out her eternal purpose in such oneness with the heart of her Bridegroom that there is no distinction between the two …wh en the world looks at us, they will see Him. Sons walking in their Father's identity and bringing liberty with every step. An army of the King that is marching in unison
with the cadence of Heaven. A people of God waking from their slumber to the reality of Jesus and the Truth of God's Word, and functioning as a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to Him. His holy habitation. That we would KNOW Him and understand the hope that He has called us to in Him. To be one with Him and aligned with His heart. All men drawn to HIM. Jesus be seen...Jesus be known! That Father’s full intent would be accomplished through us, as the fullness of Jesus is made manifest in us. Proclaiming Jesus Christ. Declaring the Word of the Lord. Releasing the Song of the Lamb. Living the Love of the Father. Being ambassadors of the Kingdom, and citizens of Heaven on this earth. Seated with Him. A love that we were created for. An eternity we were destined to live. Multitudes who have been in the valley of decision are awakening to Reality…the King and His Kingdom. I pray the message found in what you are about to read will provide a contrast that brings revelation, an encouragement of confirmation, a source of hope, and a support for those who are navigating waters of transition or helping others who are finding their way…out to Him.
“…These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes…” Revelation 14:4
For the King & the Kingdom, Tammy Yearsley
DEDICATION ……………………………… . …………………… .3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ……………………………………… .5 PREFACE ……………………………………………………… . … .9 FOREWORD ……………………………………………… ... …… 11 INTRODUCTION ………………………………………… . …… .13 FACET I: AWAKENED & ALIGNED ………… .. …… . … ... … .21 ▪ Out From Canterbury – Awakened and Aligned … .....22 ▪ Wake Up. Rise Up. Shake Off the Dust …… ... … .. …… .31 ▪ Wake Up (Calling You Out) ……………… ... … ..... …… .34 ▪ Needless Sacrifices ……… ... ……………… . …………… 35 ▪ Living Altars …………… ... …………………… . ……… ..36 FACET II: HERE WE ARE ………………………… ... ………… 39 ▪ Here We Are …………………………………… . ……… ..40 ▪ Listen …………………………………………… ... ……… 44 ▪ Cart Before the Horse ……………………… ... ………… .45 ▪ The Moment ……………………………… .. …………… .46 ▪ Systems of Babylon Crumble ……………………… .. … .48 ▪ Mandate From Heaven …………………… . …………… 50 ▪ None But You …………………………………………… .51 FACET III: KINGDOM VIEW ………………… ... ……… . …… 53 ▪ A Relevant Reminder ……………… .. ………………… .54 ▪ Come ………………………………………………… . … ..56 ▪ Open the Door. Drink of the Cup …………… .. … ... … ..57 ▪ The Beauty of it All ………………………………… .. … .59 ▪ Kingdom View ... ………………………………… ... …… 60
▪ Friends of the Bridegroom ……………………… ... …… 61 ▪ When Jesus is Present ……………………… . ………… ..61
FACET IV: BEYOND ……………………………………… . … ..63 ▪ Awakening, Fullness, and Restoration …… ... …… ... … 64 ▪ Beyond …………………………………………… .. …… ..68 ▪ Letting Go of the Familiar ………………………… ... … .73 ▪ That Step with You ……………………… . ………… .. … .75 ▪ Riding the Updraft ………………… ... ………… ... …… ..76 ▪ Mountain of the Lord ……………………… .. ………… ..79 FACET V: THE NEW ……………………………………… ... … 81 ▪ Order & New ………………………………………… . … .82 --Part 1: Beholding the New …………………………… .83 --Part 2: New for the Now ……………………… ... …… .86 -- Part 3: Mantle of God’s Order………………… ... …… 90 ▪ New Wine – New Paradigm …………………………… 95 ▪ New Wine Skins ……………………… ... ……… . ……… 97 ▪ You Are …………………………………… . …………… ..99 FACET VI: NOTHING LESS ………………………… ... … . … .101 ▪ Stand Up Straight ……………………… . … ... …… ... … .102 ▪ How We Stand …………………………… ... ………… ..109 ▪ A Look at True Love ……………………………… .. … .113 ▪ Out of the Box ………………………………………… ..117 ▪ Nothing Less Will Do ………………………………… .121
FACET VII: ONE …………………………… ... … . …… .. …… ..123 ▪ The Army of the Lord is Rising ………… ... … . ……… .124
▪ Swiftly. Precisely. Everyone in Their Place ………… . . 125 ▪ Make Ready the Highway ……………………… . …… .128 ▪ Convergence …………………………… ... …………… ..130 ▪ God is Building a House ………………… ... … ... …… ..135 ▪ One ……………………………………………………… .135 ▪ Prayer of My Heart …………………………………… ..137 ▪ Heartbeat of Heaven ………………… ... ………… .. … ..139 FACET VIII: TIPPING POINT …………………… ... …… . … ..141 ▪ The Hovering ………………………………… . ……… ..142 ▪ The Deep ………………………………………… . …… ..144 ▪ He Sends His Rain ………………… ... ………… ... …… .146 ▪ Righteous Rain …………………………………… . …… 147 ▪ Tipping Point ………………… ... ………………… ... … .147 ▪ Open! Open!.....................................................................151 ▪ The Blood, the Ring, and the Crown …………… .. … ..157 ▪ Rise Up ………………………………………… .. ……… 160 FACET IX: THE BROAD EXPANSE ……………… ... ……… .163 ▪ His Fire Comes ………………………………………… .164 ▪ The Broad Expanse – There is So Much More …… . … 166 ▪ A Living Understanding …… ... ………………… . …… 170 ▪ Jesus, You Are ………………………………………… ..174 FACET X: THE KEY ………… ... ……………………………… . 177 ▪ Our Key is The Key ……… ... ……………… .. ………… 178 ▪ Hearts in Hand ……………………………… ... …… . … . 180 ▪ The Sound ……………………………………… ... …… ..181 ▪ Heaven on Earth ……………………………………… ..183
▪ Forevermore ……………………………………… . …… 184 ▪ One Song …………………………………… ... ………… 185
FACET XI: THE OPPOSITE GATE ……………… ... …… ... … 187 ▪ The Opposite Gate ………………………… ... ………… 189 ▪ Our Next Step ………………… ... …………… . ……… ..193
Out from ‘Canterbury’ – Awakened and Aligned
I n the early morning hours on April 9 th , 2015, I had a dream that adds another layer of depth to the message that the Lord has placed in me, and Holy Spirit has continued to refine. As I had been inquiring of the Lord over this dream for several days, the intensity and fullness of His message continued to grow. At that moment of contemplation, the wind was gusting outside across the landscape causing all kinds of things to shift. My prayer is that the wind of Holy Spirit will breathe His breath on these words and cause our hearts to shift into alignment with His. After I share the dream, I will expound on the meaning as Holy Spirit unfolded it to me. As the dream began, a pastor called me over from where I was standing to view a marker that he had set in the ground. He seemed very pleased with the marker and wanted me to take a closer look. So, I moved from where I was positioned, which was a few feet in front of the marker and off to the left. As I approached the marker, I looked back to where I had been standing, which was still evidenced by the impression my feet had made on the ground in that spot. I came around to the back side of the marker to take a closer look, and as I looked up to view the marker, my line of sight went to what was directly in front of the marker. While I was looking at the perfect alignment of the marker with what I saw in front of it just a few yards away, these words came out of my mouth, “Not that this means anything, but do you see what this (the marker) lines up perfectly with?” As I said this, I was pointing to the scene that was in front of us.
There before us was a fork in the dirt road. One path went off to the left and one to the right. In the very center of this fork, where the two roads converged, there was a massive tree that was almost as wide as it was high…it looked more like a mountain than it did a tree. This tree is what the marker was perfectly aligned with. The tree was dead and gray. It had no limbs, no branches. There where spires sticking up where the branches used to be. The structure was cold and lifeless. As my eyes travelled up the tree, I squinted to see what was near the very top. Then, it came into focus…it was a single, dark, wooden arched door, embedded in the tree. It seemed so out of place on this edifice. The next thing I knew, this pastor’s son and I were ascending this gigantic tree, much like scaling the side of a mountain. He was a little way in front of me as we climbed in pursuit of the door.
Then I felt myself coming out of the dream. As I began to wake up, I heard the word “Canterbury”.
Much of the meaning in the symbolism of the dream was immediately clear to me, but my anticipation was great to see what revelation Holy Spirit wanted to show me as I researched the word, “Canterbury”. Not only did my research complete and confirm the message of the dream but added a depth of awareness and sobriety to the message the Lord has for His Church to awaken to Himself in this hour. His love is pleading…imploring.
As I entered “Canterbury” into the search engine, I knew I was in for a world and religion history refresher course, but what I found went far beyond anything I would have imagined in light of this dream. I would have to literally write a book to describe my findings, so I encourage you to research it out for yourself and let Holy Spirit take you deep. Canterbury, England not only embodies the hierarchal government and institutional structures of man within the “church”, but is also a UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) World Heritage Site. In my search, in the very first sentence concerning Canterbury, here were contained the system of man’s order and control…one within the “church”, and one within the world. On the outside promoting peace, unity, and the welfare of man, but inside full of dead men’s bones and hidden agendas. Both, monuments built to man, to pride, to illusions, to ideologies, to deceptions, to philosophies, bringing death rather than life. I read page after page of the oppression by the “church” over the people, the wars between men and all their doctrines, the polity that has nothing to do with the justice exemplified in the life of Jesus Christ, the hierarchal government that is a mockery to the Government of God and His Kingdom. To see the struggle of those whose eyes had been opened to the Truth of God’s Word and the reality of Jesus Christ, to be free of the tyranny of the organization of man’s religion and live in the Light as He is in the Light. They were called heretics, martyred, imprisoned, or driven away. With tears streaming down my face, I whispered, “Jesus, where are You in all of this? None of this is about You . It has nothing to do with You. This was never what Your Church was meant to be. Father, forgive man for his arrogance to think that he could
manipulate and mold You into a form of his making for his own selfish agenda, for his own selfish ends, to manipulate and control each other in Your Name. To build all kinds of monuments to self in the guise of ministry and call it “good”. These are fruitless deeds of darkness. ‘But Lord, didn’t we do all “this” in Your Name, and He will say away from Me…I never knew you.’ Having a form of godliness, but not having You. God, please forgive us…” As I sat staring at my computer screen, I heard the Words of Jesus… ”Father, forgive them…they know not what they do” ………. Thank You, Jesus, for Your love! Your love, Your love, Your love. Your kindness that leads to repentance. Your truth wrapped in Your love that takes the blinder’s off of men’s eyes and sets their hearts free. All for Love’s sake…that they would see and walk in the Light as You are in the Light. Your Church awakened so the world can see Your face! The tree is this monument to man as described in my search above. It is a symbol of man’s pride and doing things his own way. It is a huge edifice that has been built unto man, for man. It ’s roots go down deep from centuries past and has grown into a mountain, and is still the standard for many worldwide…the exteriors may look different, but the root system is the same. What many times has started out with Jesus being the true foundation and the plumb line, has become influenced by the fear of man, pride, expectations, and the systems of this world…and it takes on another name other than Jesus Christ. It can happen so subtly. It is like the frog that is put into a pot of water on a stove while the burner is being slowly turned up and is unaware of what’ s Now that the stage has been set, onto the meaning of the drea m….
happening to him until it is too late. But that is how the enemy of our soul works and has lulled God’s people to sleep without them even realizing it. That’s why Paul exhorts in Ephesians 5 for the sleeper to wake up, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you … living as wise, and understanding what the Lord’s will is . I have heard the saying that it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Is it? Such speech is void of humility and honor, and unbecoming of His chosen ones. This is not the language of our King, and this is not His fragrance among those who are perishing. Loss of life is the result of such statements. Is it easier to ask the Father for forgiveness rather than asking His permission? Have we ceased to inquire of the Lord to find out what He wants? Have we shut our ears to His Spirit so we can have our own way? The Apostle Paul questions the Galatians, “Who has bewitched you…are you so f oolish, having begun in the Spirit, are you now made perfect by the flesh?” Are we waiting for Him to speak, or are we becoming restless? Have we entered His rest, or are we striving in our own works? His will , His way…not His will, our way. One produces life, the other produces death. This practice of one’s own self -will has caused the manhandling of the beloved. The beloved should not be manipulated in this manner…. She belongs to the Lord alone. The fork in the road is a picture of the decision that we must make as individuals, yes, and as leadership. We will be confronted with the choice to follow His way (few are those who choose it), or the way that is pleasing to man (broad is that path). We can choose to get caught up in Him and follow the Lamb wherever He goes…or… we can choose to get caught up in the mainstream and follow the crowd. The
scripture that came to me concerning this fork in the road was Jesus speaking to the Church of Laodicea in Revelation 3:14 22. He knows our hearts better than we know our hearts. He knows our deeds. If we have stepped into that middle ground between the two paths, we are neither hot, nor cold. We are full of mixture of the two and become lukewarm. We become dependent on the ways of man and conform to a lifeless image (the tree). Lukewarm water does not taste good in our Lord’s mouth. We have settled, we have compromised, we have fallen asleep to His voice. In this state, we don’t even realize that we have become wretched, poor, pitiful, blind, and naked…we don’t see it…we don’t perceive it. So, in His infinite love for us He counsels us to buy from Him gold refined in the fire to become rich again, white clothes to wear and cover our nakedness, and salve to put on our eyes so we can see! And what is the currency we use to “buy” from Him? The only currency that counts…our whole hearts, our lives, our entire beings. He will take care of it all as we abandon every part of who we are to Him. How He loves us and desires for us to walk in the fire of our First Love! That is being aligned with Him!! Now we are positioned to lead others out of the tyranny of conformity to the status quo, and into the freedom of the Kingdom of God and their eternal purpose in Christ Jesus! The pastor represents the leadership in the Church who are unaware of where they are placing their “markers”. It looks good on the outset, but does the plumb line for life and ministry continue to be Jesus Christ? Many truly desire to do the will of the Father, and to see His Kingdom come on earth; but they have fallen asleep through the cares of this world, the pride of life, and the busyness of striving to attain success
according to man’s intention…not God’s intention. Has ministry become about programs, events, promoting, and building the “ministry” rather than building people? Has it become about making a name for ourselves, rather than making His Name great? Has worship become performance driven and man-centered, or is it pleasing to God and Christ centered? Is He the attention of our affection, or are our hearts far from Him? Are rules, regulations, and forms to hold people accountable replacing investment in relationships that reflect the true Government of God? Are we trying to find better ways of “doing” church, or have we abandoned our will to the Father to “be” His Church? Are we aligning our hearts and ministries with the heart of the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, or are our “markers” lined up with dead, fruitless deeds? Jesus has come that we might have life. That we might give life. That we are His light on a hill…a beacon shining the way to Him. Bringing hope to the slave and setting the captive free! This is who we are. We are seated with Him…so close to His heart that it begins to pound in our chests and resound through our lives. Christ Jesus in us, the Hope of glory! This is the fountain that true ministry flows from. There are no man-made shortcuts, or wisdoms of this world, that can ever manufacture the eternal products of a life that is intimately intertwined with His heart. Oneness with Him produces the Life in us and through us…bearing m uch fruit to the Father’s glory and to the joy of His heart!! What a delight to live in the freedom of the Father’s will, with the rays of His countenance shining on us! What a joy to be in unhindered communion with Him…union with Him! A union that produces life wherever we step, and to whomever we find ourselves in contact with. His Words, His Truth, His
Love flowing from the heart of our Father to the ones He so desperately loves! This is the place. And when we feel our “marker” moving away from His origi nal intent and lining up with anything (or anyone) other than Him, we lift our eyes back to Jesus Christ who is our Truth, our Peace, our Rock, our Source, our Help, our Love, our Way. He is the way “out” of our own doing. Out of weariness and striving. Out of fighting to stay in a system of man that will crumble. He is our Fulfillment and Purpose! He is our Identity! It’s not what we do for Him. It’s not what we do for other men. It’s not our own idea, or the world’s marker for success. In Him we live, and move, and have our being! Oh His beloved …. enter into His rest…. The door embedded in the upper part of the tree is a way of escape. Our loving Abba Father always provides a way of escape…His Name is Jesus. God in His infinite mercy has allowed the Door to remain in this structure to provide a way out…and a way into Him! In that same passage to the Laodicean Church in Revelation 3 verse 20, Jesus says, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with Him and he with Me.” He is forever faithful to continue to stan d and knock, calling out to us.
Will we hear His Voice? Will we open the Door? Will we enter into complete fellowship and communion with Him?
The pastor’s son (next generation coming into maturity) and I that are in hot pursuit of the Door, represents the remnant that is in hot pursuit of Him…not just for themselves…. but to lead others out ! The two generations represent the one
generation, from each generation, that has been part of that remnant seed…forging the way, pursuing the Door, allow ing the Lord full access to them to be catalyst for change…all for the love of His heart. That His people would awaken to His Voice, to the reality of Jesus Christ, to His love and the purpose of His heart. When His people are awakened, in turn, they will lead others out of the darkness and into the glorious freedom of the Kingdom of God! The mature sons of God taking their rightful position. “Holy Father, Your Kingdom come , Your will be done!” Me coming off my position to look at the “marker” and seeing the spot where I had been standing represents our willingness to humble ourselves and come alongside those who do not see that there is misalignment. It is a place of humility and compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ, not to think more highly of ourselves th an we ought…lest we become a stumbling block instead of a messenger of hope. One day, we might be the one to whom a messenger of hope comes to redirect our gaze back to Him. We need to give His Truth out of His Spirit of love. The statement I said to the pastor, “Not that this means anything, but do you see what this lines up perfectly with?”… represents approaching those in this situation with humility and understanding. Not to enter into judgement, lest we fall into the same temptation and are judged ourselves. But that we stay clothed with the Lord Jesus Christ and respond with the sincerity of His love. Keeping His love on and inquiring of Him what to say, or what to pray. No matter what path that person chooses, we keep the love of our Lord on and operating. Their choice is between them and God, and to Him alone will they answer. Our part is to continue to pray the
heart of the Father for them. That they would have eyes to see and ears to hear, and a heart to understand what the Spirit is saying to them. That mercy would triumph over judgement, and that they would awaken. He who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.
Wake Up. Rise Up. Shake Off the Dust.
You were neither meant to, nor created to conform to the status quo of the system of this world.
Your Creator who fashioned you, wove within your DNA the very fabric of who He is.
You have been made in His image…to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. To see this creation liberated from the bondage of decay and brought back into the glorious freedom of the children of God.
To not only be the product of, but the vessels of His limitless love, His limitless life, His limitless provision…
Heaven transforming and reforming societies and nations b ack to the Father’s original intent . Jesus came to re-establish His order. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children
of God, and if children, then heirs — heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope, because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. ” (Romans 8:14-21)
He has given us the keys to the Kingdom, and just as the Father sent Him, Jesus sends us.
Of course, the choice is ours to take the keys. We can stay comfortable wrapped up in our religions and tucked away in our complacency. Or... we can WAKE UP to His voice, RISE UP shaking the dust off, take the keys that He has offered us, and be carriers of His glory to a world so very ready and in need of seeing the Reality of who HE is.
“A wake, awake! Put on your strength, O Zion; Put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city! For the uncircumcised and the unclean Shall no longer come to you. Shake yourself from the dust, arise; Sit down, O Jerusalem! Loose yourself from the bonds of your neck, O captive daughter of Zion!” (Isaiah 52:1-2)
“ Once your life was full of sin’s darkness, but now you have the very light of our Lord shining through you because of your union with Him. Your mission is to live as children flooded with His revelation-light! And the supernatural fruits of His light will be seen in you — goodness, righteousness, and truth. Then you will learn to choose what is beautiful to our Lord. And don’t even associate with the servants of darkness because they have no fruit in them; instead, reveal truth to them. The very things they do in secret are too vile and filthy to even mention. Whatever the revelation-light exposes, it will also correct, and everything that reveals truth is light to the soul. This is why the Scripture says,
“Arise, you sleeper! Rise up from your coffin and the Anointed One will shine His light into you!”
So be very careful how you live, not being like those with no understanding, but live honorably with true wisdom, for we are living in evil times. Take full advantage of every day as you spend your life for His purposes. And don’t live foolishly for then you will have discernment to fully understand God’s will .” (Ephesians 5:8-17 TPT)
As He is, so are we in this world. Our mandate is a Heavenly one .
“ Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.” (2 Corinthians 2:14-15)
“ All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to Himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 that is, in Christ God
was reconciling [a] the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. 20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making His appeal through us . We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.” (2 Corinthians 5:18-20 ESV)
The cares of this world try to cause us to forget Whose we are, and what Kingdom we are from.
Let us remember! Let us awaken!
WAKE UP (Calling You Out)
Wake up -- And Christ will shine on you – Wake up! Wake up – hear His voice above the noise Wake up – see His face above the crowd Stand up – hear Him calling you out Wake up – from your slumber Wake up – you’ve been lulled to sleep Stand up – take your grave clothes off – and live like you are free!
Bringing light to the darkness Bringing hope to the slave Bringing freedom to the captive Wake up, wake up, wake up, from your grave!
Wake up – the wind of His Spirit is blowing Stand up – the sound of His footsteps are growing Wake up, stand up – and open the door Walk through, i t’s up to you – He wants to show you more…
Of Himself, of His glory, of His love, Redemption’s story , Of His way, His truth, His life…Wake up, wake up, wake up – to Jesus Christ!
© 2015 Heartbeat of Heaven Worship
Needless Sacrifices
Busyness for the Lord isn’t necessarily evidence that one is spiritually awake. Quite often the opposite is true. When we are caught up in our doing it actually lulls us to sleep. It causes us to be dull in hearing the voice of the Lord and our relationship with Him suffers from shallowness. (Ephesians 5:13-17) Jesus ONLY did what He saw His Father doing, and only spoke what His Father was speaking. As a result, everything He did produced eternal fruit to His Father’s glory and advanced His Kingdom in the earth. He is our perfect example of being one with the Father’s purposes and intentions…His will…His heart. (John 5:19-30) It is out of our relationship with Him that eternal fruit is produced, not in our striving to attain, even for the Lord. But when we enter into this resting place of relationship with Him, to bear much fruit to our Father’s glory is the supernaturally natural outcome of this intimacy with Him. Obedience is better than sacrifice. What needless, and sometimes harmful sacrifices are being made on the altars of our busyness? (John 15:1-8) Instead of “making” sacrifices, we “become” a living sacrifice that burns continually with the Life, purposes, and intentions of God at all times and in every way…no matter where we are
or what we are doing. It is THE life! HE is the Life! He shines and is glorified through us. His will is accomplished through us. His purposes are birthed in the earth through us. His love is expressed through us. His Truth is declared through us. His heart is lived out through us. (Romans 12:1-2) “Father of Glory, I pray that You would give us the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation that we would intimately know You. Help us cease from our own striving and enter into this fruitful, life-giving, life-transforming, perfect work of Holy Spirit that is at peace and rest in relationship with You. That our being in You will produce a harvest of righteousness in our own lives, and the lives of those around You r glory.” (Ephesians 1:17-23)
Living Altars
Holy Father, we’re Your living altars Your Holy Sacrifice displayed through a living life Holy Father …
You are the Potter, I am Your clay Mold me, and make me, I pray
Into Your vessel of honor, from this jar of clay Have Your own way, have Your own way …
Your Kingdom come, Your will be done through me Your heart expressed for all the world to see That the Life of the Lamb would sing through me For all eternity….starting now…
Holy Father, we’re Your sons and daughters A people that bear Your Name A people who carry Your Flame Holy Father …
Let the Life of the Lamb be seen in me Let the Life of the Lamb be known through me Let the Life of the Lamb be seen in me
Live through me, breathe through me, move through me Starting now…
My life is not my own, been bought with a Price With the precious Blood of Jesus Christ Now I am His, and He is mine
For all time and eternity F or all time and eternity… Starting now …
© 2014 Heartbeat of Heaven Worship
Here We Are
I grabbed my robe and a cozy blanket and headed out to my back yard to spend time with Daddy God as I watched His sign to us in the sky, the Blood Moon. It was October 8 th , 2014, at 2:30 in the morning Idaho time, and the Feast of Tabernacles had already begun halfway around the world. This was a holy moment, full of anticipation. I wanted to see, hear, and know what the Father was speaking. As I sat in the dark, gazing up into the heavens at the multitude of stars and watching as the moon slowly turned blood red during the eclipse, a whisper escaped my lips to the Father that has been a frequent phrase for me lately. “Here we are, Father. Here we are Daddy God…King Jesus…H oly Spirit…Here we are.” This is the time the Ancients have been waiting to see, the forerunners of the Church Age longed for as each generation has passed the baton onto the next. The great cloud of witnesses cheering us on…this is what they lived for, th is is what they died for…here we are. Here we are in this little sliver of time, with the previous generations since Adam pressing on one side, and the Kingdom Age of eternity pressing on the other…Here we are. For such a time as this…what a privilege and an honor…here we are. One can almost feel the burning anticipation of the Father as He prepares to tell His Son to go get His Bride…she has made herself ready…on the verge of the Wedding Supper of the Lamb…to finally be with all of His family…here we are. There I sat, taking it all in and thanking the Father for His declaration through this divine happening, and more than anything , being quiet so I could hear Him …my spiritual ears opened to what He was saying.
One of the first things that struck me was the noise intruding into this holy conversation as God was speaking to His creation. I live in a subdivision on the outskirts of our town. You would think that at 3:00am it would be fairly quiet. I heard the freeway traffic from a couple miles away, the train running down it’s track, cars pulling in and out of our subdivision (some with their music cranked) ...I became very annoyed and my spirit was heavy …” Hello ! God is speaking…is anybody listening?!” Is anybody listening?! Here I was, overwhelmed as the voice of the Father was shouting out with love, “The hour has come, there is very little time, come to Me !” … and people either not willing to take the time to listen , or totally unaware because the god of this age has blinded them…too busy, preoccupied, dis tracted, asleep, numb, dead to the reality of Christ and eternity. He who has an ear to hear, let him hear… “Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you.” This scripture and three words kept repeating in my ears…alert, engaged, and united. That the Bride of Christ, the Beloved, the people belonging to God would be awake, alert, engaged, and united with His heart in this season...making the most of every opportunity. Awakened to His Voice, alert to the hour and aware of what He is doing in and through it, engaged with the Spirit of Jesus in intercession, worship, and declaration, and in union with the Heart of the Father in thought, word, and action--to be the vessels He can release His purposes in the earth through, preparing the way for King Jesus. That we would be one with His Word. That we would truly be ambassadors for Christ, being reconcilers of men back to the heart of Papa God. Releasing forgiveness,
releasing truth, releasing love. He is making His petition, His plea, through us. That we would represent Him well so the world will listen. That His fragrance would be released with every step we take. That Jesus Christ would be seen, and ALL men, nations, tribes, and languages would come to Him! In this moment, I found myself calling out to the people of God first, to wake up. To take their rightful place and not shrink back. To be His light and live His Truth. Not wasting time promoting our agendas and making a name for ourselves but being about what the Father is about (people) and making His Name great! “Lord, help us in this. Help us stay focused. Help us be purposeful, intentional in all things. That everything we do and give will be from who YOU are.” No matter who we are face to face with, or what situation we may find ourselves in, that it would be His wisdom, His love, His truth, His healing, His restoration, His life that is given. Whether it’s the “one” He is wanting to reach, or a nation…whoever, whatever, wherever …” here we are”. When the world looks at us, they will see Jesus. Bearing His Name with honor and carrying His glory with humility. They would know the reality of Heaven and eternity when they feel the touch of His Presence through us. “Here we are…” My heart broke as I began thinking of those who are being persecuted, beheaded, and put to death for His Name sake. For those who are boldly taking their stand in the face of such opposition, with eternity in full view. Those who count it all joy as they are imprisoned and tortured for living the gospel of Jesus Christ. How can we not have the same resolve? We must, we will, and we do. This is our family, our people, our Kingdom…we stand with them… “Here we are…”
Then I began imploring for the nations and all creation to awaken to the voice and the love of Papa God …” Come , come, come…listen, hear, KNOW the heart of your Father! Be reconciled to the One who loves you!” The Blood of Jesus will call out for all eternity ...” I LOVE YOU!” I see the Blood of the Lamb that speaks of a covenant of Love between the Father and His creation in the prophetic message of the Blood Moons. Four Blood Moons within two years, taking place on specific dates according to God’s timeline…two on Passover, and two on Feast of Tabernacles. Jesus is our Passover Lamb that has conquered death and made the way for us back to the Father, and He has come to live (tabernacle) in us, and He is coming again to take us to Himself! Oh how His heart, His love, wants all people in that number…that not one would be lost, but they would hear His voice and come home, to His heart. “Here we are…” God is speaking, He always has been. There are moments when He appears to raise the volume of His sound and paint with c olors that are more vivid…to get our attention. It’s as though He is desperate for us to hear and see. His heart longs for us to know Him. His heart longs for His creation to know Him, their Creator and Father, Daddy and God. His love is calling out. Are we listening? Those that know and love Him …. are we partnering with Him in the cry of His heart? Time has always been of the essence…but NOW, “Here We Are”. Let us be fully awake, completely alert, totally engaged, and humbly united with the heart of our Father God.
“Father, Daddy God, let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done on earth through us, just as it is in Heaven. That we would have eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to know You, love You, and follow You. That our hearts would be perfectly in union with Yours in this hour, to see the hearts of Your children returning to the heart of their Father. To YOUR joy, Daddy. So be it, according to Your Word ~ Amen”
“I pray that Your people would be still , and just listen to You .”
Too much clamor… Too much busyness… Too much of man’s agenda... Too much running and doing…
Be still and listen to His still small Voice. What is He saying? What does He want?
Wait… Linger… Listen…
You might be surprised at what you hear, and what you will come to know, as you are quiet enough to open your heart to listen.
There are mysteries, secrets, desires, compassions, yearnings, burdens, hurts, purposes, plans, and a greater Love than
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