Awaken The Dawn
Refreshment in the Morning
Spokane. Often, I walked in the woods and prayed intensely for this city in a great spirit of intercession because I came to identify my life, my future—every- thing—in terms of my ministry with the city. One evening at the conclusion of an ecumenical service, while a number of people prayed at the front of the audi- torium, and as I prayed fervently while I stood behind the platform, I suddenly became aware of God’s presence. I crumpled to the floor as God spoke to me. The words were clear and distinct, certainly unpremeditated. I don’t know if I actually heard Him, or if His words simply came into my mind. At any rate, the clarity and the mes- sage were undeniable and not of my own making. I know this may sound “spooky” to some, and I can cer- tainly tolerate those who may find such communication hard to believe. All I know is that God does talk to people on occasion, and I am convinced He talked to me. I have been a Christian for forty-eight years, and I feel God has spoken audibly to me maybe six times during my spiritu- al pilgrimage. 13 So it certainly has not been an everyday occurrence for me. The most startling part of God’s message was: “…your ministry in Spokane is finished.” Alone and crying behind the platform, I asked the Lord, “What do you want me to do?” His answer was astounding: “Go to San Jose and start a church.” A few minutes passed, and as I lay sobbing, the main speaker of the meeting whom I hardly knew came over to me. Kneeling, he laid his hands upon me and said words that were both confir- matory and prophetic: “If you will do what God is lay- ing on your heart to do, it will mean the enlargement of your ministry….” 67
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