Awaken The Dawn
other great person of prayer. We can, however, learn lessons from their dedication, and we can seek to find our own role in the most important ministry of prayer. Let us return now to our analysis of Jesus’ prayer life. Prayer Before Dinner Matthew records the two amazing times that Jesus mirac- ulously multiplied loaves and fish so that the people might eat. Before feeding the 5,000 people, Jesus looked up toward heaven and blessed the food. Jesus is always the Man of prayer doing what comes most naturally to Him. In this case, He talked to the Father about His daily bread (while 5,000+ people watched in awe). Where did Jesus get this daring, audacious, mind-boggling idea of multiplying loaves and fish? It was born through the sim- ple conviction learned in times of prayer that the Father would supply His daily bread as it was needed. Afterward, He sent the disciples by boat to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. Then Jesus “went up to the moun- tain by Himself to pray.” 14 These times of solitary prayer recharged His spiritual abilities and powers. Although He prayed throughout the day, these special undistracted sessions alone with the Father appear to be His favorite. Matthew, in chapter 15, then tells how Jesus fed 4,000 people. Again He gave thanks as He broke the loaves and fish. His prayer of gratitude is not a sigh of relief that the miracle occurred, but rather a grateful acknowledgement to the Father who abides faithful to the needs of His chil- dren. The followers of Jesus observed their role model as a person who was very conscious of and had confidence in God’s provision. We have all heard people pray over 48
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