Awaken The Dawn


dynamic public ministry. The example of Joseph and Mary, the daily telling of Scripture stories, the training in the local synagogue all contributed to His prayerfulness. As a child in Nazareth, Jesus grew and “the grace of God was upon Him.” 3 In His teen-age years and young adult- hood, He was “in favor with God.” 4 These expressions, I believe, indicate a strong prayer communion with the heavenly Father. As He prayed in the Jordan River, the era of the Spirit was launched. The Father baptized Him with the Holy Spirit even as John baptized Him with water. Then He went to the wilderness. Although the Gospels do not show that Jesus prayed in the wilderness, it must certainly be assumed. Matthew records that Jesus fasted, so we know that He prayed. One may pray without fasting (abstinence from food), but one does not fast without praying. Fasting is the most intense and absorbing kind of prayer. If our contention that Jesus began each day with prayer is correct, it seems strikingly significant that He also began His ministry with many days of continuous fasting and prayer. Although exhausted and depleted, the Son of God overcame the temptations by the devil with Scriptures born in His heart through times of prayer. The devil could not break the will and determination of the Man of Prayer. 42 And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led about by the Spirit in the wilder- ness for forty days, while tempted by the devil. And He ate nothing during those days. and when they had ended, He became hungry. 5

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