Awaken The Dawn
a word. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to listen as a disciple. The Lord GOD has opened my ear, And I was not disobedient, Nor did I turn back.
The natural question: “Who is this person that the LORD awakens each morning and trains as His own disciple?’ The simple answer: “This is the predicted Messiah (Christ) that will come as a special Servant of the LORD to redeem God’s people.” This passage is one of four beautiful passages in Isaiah that are called “The Servant Songs” because Christ the Servant is introduced by the Lord, or speaks in His own person, or is described by others. All four of these Servant Songs breathe the same sentiments and certainly express the mind and mission of Jesus Christ, the Servant of the Songs. 1 Isaiah 50 is the foundation for my believing so strongly in early morning prayer. It now seems so apparent to me that the secret of Jesus’ successful ministry can be traced to dynamic prayer encounters with His heavenly Father at the beginning of each day. I suggest that we too can have this same Servant Song dynamically real in our lives. This will become apparent as we examine more closely the meaning of the four distinct phases of the third Song.
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