Awaken The Dawn


I marvel at my divine provision each day when I give Him the first hour. An impressive efficiency comes to my schedule. Even the unexpected interruptions cause me good and glorify the Father! 1 A person who regularly starts the day with prayer will do more for God acciden- tally than he/she ever did on purpose! Since I am a busy person but remarkably poor in admin- istration, I appreciate and depend on the spiritual flow that comes to a prayerful life. The other day, for instance, I presented God the complex schedule which I faced in the church and our academy; God proceeded to expedite solutions and maneuver people throughout the day. Without making specific appointments, I bumped into people in just the right way to say the right things that needed to be said without bringing offense. Don’t misun- derstand me, I do make appointments, but sometimes God can arrange a simple divine encounter that can be much more productive than a carefully penciled office appointment. I find that people and things are moved along to where they’re bound much quicker through prayer. Consider this advice of Oswald Chambers:

Get into the habit of dealing with God about every- thing. Unless in the first waiting moment of the day you learn to fling the door wide back and let God in, you will work on a wrong level all day; but swing the door wide open and pray to your Father in secret, and every public thing will be stamped with the presence of God. 2

Shortly after tithing, I soon discovered that more is accomplished with nine-tenths of an income and God’s blessing than an intact income without His blessing!


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