Awaken The Dawn
Awaken the Dawn!
the family awakens. I find myself chuckling about the new day as I look at the eastern foothills and literally tell the sun to “get up, it is time for God’s kingdom to find expression and His will to be done. Dawn, wake up!” Morning Prayer Around the World It is exciting to conjecture what could happen if early morning prayer in every time zone could be initiated world-wide. This global concept has inspired me for a number of years, and it could be a very practical way that God would use to sheath the Planet Earth in an envelope of prayer. Think for a moment of the glorious possibilities! If Christians around the world would adopt early morning prayer (starting around 6 A . M . or just before sunrise), it means that as the earth rotates to meet the sun, there will be people in each time zone who will start their day with prayer as the sun rises. Hopefully, those same people will remain prayerful throughout their day. As the natural sun rises over the earth, the Lord Himself will be like the “sun of righteousness” 7 pouring down His presence on His praying saints. In a sense, then, the Church of Jesus Christ becomes “a house of prayer for (involving) all nations, 8 which finds wonderful fulfillment in Malachi 1:11: “For from the rising of the sun, even to its setting, My name will be great among the nations, and in every place incense is going to be offered to My name , and a grain offering that is pure; for My name will be great among the nations,” says the LORD of hosts.
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