Awaken The Dawn
What People Are Saying about Awaken The Dawn! …
Pastor Gentile presents a convincing, inspiring case for early morning, extended prayer of an hour or more being the key to effective relationship with God and to a power- ful, life-changing ministry to others.…I believe most Christian leaders reading and applying this book will find that they have recaptured their first love of the Savior, and will, like the Lord’s Servant in Isaiah 50, sense a new eagerness to be taught by the Father in the morning. Bob Seiple , President Emeritus of World Vision I am so delighted with your book on prayer.…The most moving thing to me personally…is the manner in which you vulnerably and honestly discuss the often justified lack of prayer in a specific dimension which occurs in the lives of spiritual leaders. Your discussion is not judgmen- tal, but so wonderfully illustrates both the resulting weakness and the loss of potential joy available through a quickened meeting with God in the morning. Rick C. Howard , Author and Pastor of Peninsula Christian Center, Redwood City, CA The reason for prayer is more than desperation—it is bib- lical. I was especially blessed by Ernest Gentile’s empha- sis on the Messianic text of Isaiah 50:4-5 as a trumpet call to the church to start the day with God. Jamie Buckingham , former Pastor of Tabernacle Church and Editor-in-Chief Strang Communications
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