Awaken The Dawn
End Notes
10. Generally we think of the Gethsemane prayer as an evening or night time prayer. It was, in fact, in the wee hours of the morning of the day of His crucifix- ion, possibly about 2 A . M . 11. 2 Corinthians 5:21; Colossians 2:14. 12. Romans 6:23. That debt is now paid, and whoever repents of his sins and calls on Christ may be saved, coming under the pardon granted by the Father to all who acknowledge—that is, believe in and trust in— Christ’s death for us.
C HAPTER 14: D RINKING THE A WESOME C UP 1. Mark 14:35. 2. Matthew 26:39. 3. Mark 14:36.
4. Stephen F. Olford, “When the Fire of God Falls,” Herald of His Coming . August 1989, p. 3. Taken from his book, Heart-Cry for Revival. C HAPTER 15: T HE G LORIOUS C LIMAX : C RIES FROM THE C ROSS 1. Matthew 6:13. 2. Wesley L Duewel, Touch the World through Prayer (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1986), p. 105. 3. Luke 23:34. 4. Matthew 6:12. 183
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