Awaken The Dawn

End Notes

10. Matthew 6:33.

C HAPTER 3: R ELATIONSHIP T AKES A C HUNK OF T IME 1. Barbara Bartocci, “One Hour That Can Change Your Life,” Reader’s Digest, March 1984, p. 14. 2. C. Peter Wagner, “Praying for Leaders,” World Evangelization (vol. 15, No. 53, July-Aug. 1988), p. 24. 3. Dick Eastman, The Hour That Changes the World (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1978), p. 9. 4. Larry Lea, Could You Not Tarry One Hour? (Rockwall, Texas: Church on the Rock, 1984). 5. Thousands of Christians have been committed to daily prayer through Eastman’s Change the World School of Prayer . See his book, already mentioned, The Hour That Changes the World. 6. Global Prayer Strategy Manual, P.O. Box 888-850, Atlanta, Georgia 30356, USA. 7. I think the best map is the one produced by Dick Eastman ( World Prayer Map ), Every Home for Christ, P. O. Box 35930, Colorado Springs, CO 80935. 8. C. Peter Wagner, “The Korean Experience,” World Evangelization Bulletin , No. 24 (September 1981), p. 6. 9. See David Y. Cho’s practical suggestions in Prayer: Key to Revival (Waco, Texas: Word Books, 1984).


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