Awaken The Dawn
when He said: “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Daily prayer gives me a high vantage point from which to view our global problems. I think I understand better now why Jesus walked with such sure confidence in the father’s will. Prayer enabled Him to keep His feet on the ground and His mind on a spiritual plane. Jesus saw things from God’s perspective. Prayer will do this for all of us. The necessity of genuine prayer is obvious. So we all know that we should pray, but I doubt any of us pray as much or as well as we would like. I am very con- cerned that our failure to pray might become a blanket of condemnation that will smother any further attempt to pray. It is true, to be effective in prayer, we do need to be as dis- ciplined as athletes in competition, or people trying to lose weight, or salesmen seeking sales. Determination! Prayer will soon be forgotten if we give in to the body, or look at our circumstances. Yes, prayer takes effort. On the other hand, if we miss times of prayer, we must not be discouraged. I like the advice from Jack McAlister, one of the great prayer warriors of this generation. Jack served as president of World Literature Crusade for thir- ty-three years and had a wealth of background in prayer. I listened intently as he spoke at a prayer workshop. He had already surprised me by saying that his goal was to pray for two and a half hours each day as tithe of his time. But he was quick to say that sometimes he missed his prayer time, but he has learned not to condemn him- self for it. He advises to do the best we can with each day, appreciating whatever undivided time we can give to the Lord. I agree with him that our prayer should not be from 166
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