Awaken The Dawn
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Is There a Gethsemane for Me? N one of us, thank the Lord, will ever endure Jesus’ actual Gethsemane experience. After all, man’s destiny and God’s plan of salvation rested entire- ly on His sole action. Jesus faced death in the ultimate sense – He was separated from His Father. Was He a will- ing victim, totally trusting His outcome into the hands of the Father? Yes. He did this for us. This glorious victory in prayer was necessary, but only once, and it was won- drously achieved by the Christ of God. Each of us will have times in our lives when our human will, set on its own destructive course, must face the will and purposes of God. These times of anguish will be our own “garden of the oil press” experience, and we will emerge better because of them. These times of heavy intercession may involve the human will ascertaining the will of God and then prevailing in prayer regardless of 153
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