Awaken The Dawn
absorbing, all-engrossing solicitude. He prays for them as the precious fruit of His life-labor, the hope of the future, the founders of the Church, the Noah’s ark of the Christian faith, the missionaries of the truth to the whole world; for them alone, but for the world’s sake—it being the best thing He can do for the world meantime to commend them to the Father’s care. 3
Jesus’ Seven Requests for the Church 1. Keep them in Thy name. 4 All of these requests reflect the concern of a shepherd for His sheep. Here Jesus cries for their preservation through their knowledge of Him (His name and His person being one). When we pray for a fellow believer to be kept in God’s name, be assured that our prayers are certainly in tune with the way Jesus is presently praying in heaven. 2. That they may be one. 5 This is the most famous of the seven requests. In fact, the popularity of this majestic request has so captured the minds of Christians every- where that we hardly notice the other prayers. This is, of course, a prayer for unity among His followers—a cry that finds particular sympathy in heaven at this time. This request is reminiscent of Psalm 133 which extols the excellency of brotherly unity. 3. That they may have My joy. 6 We mainly know Jesus as a man of sorrows, but He was also a man of great joy. The meaning of this request is clearly seen in the Amplified Bible: And now I am coming to You. I say these things
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