Awaken The Dawn
The High Priestly Prayer
the key and returned to the bank (a nervous wreck!). Cheerfully (as though nothing had happened!) the teller took my key, inserted it with the bank key, turned my key, opened the door, drew out the box, and (with a smile) placed it in my hands. What a relief! And…what a lesson. Heaven’s Vault Heaven is like a bank vault filled with wonderful things that are legally ours. Access, however, is gained only with the simultaneous cooperation of two spiritual keys: (1) God’s sovereign will, and (2) man’s faithful prayer with that will. God can and will do wonderful, miraculous things. He is sovereign and all powerful. He is the Almighty and there is nothing He cannot do. 1 Why, then doesn’t this perfect, powerful God just go ahead and run His universe with- out involving me and my prayers? Today’s Church is beginning to understand the reason for prayer, albeit mind-boggling. God has chosen only to accomplish His will on earth through the prayers and intercessions of His people. 2 The key of God’s will is now available for any legitimate situation. When a person has the matching, sympathetic key of proper prayer and faith, the sovereign power of God is released to do His will in that given situation. Heaven’s vault is open to those who faithfully pray in the will of God. God and man working together become the two matching keys that release the impossible. The apos- tle John confirms this concept: And this is the confidence which we have before 129
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