Awaken The Dawn
Working Out for an Hour
sion of prayer by singing the hymn, Amazing Grace , but substitute “Amen”for the rest of the lyrics. I prefer to spend most of my prayer time in the morning, and then pray just a few sentences before hopping into bed at night. I have always felt that my evening fatigue does not lend itself to important prayer. Here is a sugges- tion that has inspired me. Do not end your day with more requests, instead, pray The Lord’s Prayer again. This time around, in each section, offer thanksgiving for the answered prayers from your morning petitions. Mention specific events during the days when you perceived you received God’s favor. I assure you great peace will flood your soul as you realize afresh that God’s provision cov- ers you just as a blanket sheaths your body. Variety is the Spice of Life It is a terrible shame for a Christian to lose out on prayer because of boredom or monotony. I am persuaded that God is a God of variety and surprises. if we approach our prayer times with anticipation and faith, and allow the Spirit to inspire our minds, exciting things will happen, and no two prayer times will be exactly alike. It is not necessary to plod through the phases of the Lord’s Prayer in some wooden fashion; it was never the Lord’s inten- tion. Although we must keep in mind the concepts of Jesus’ prayer, it is possible to be impressed at the same time by the Holy Spirit to pray for people, jobs, missions—what- ever—as you perceive the Lord’s direction. We can learn to pray from our hearts and from the inspiration the Holy Spirit ignites in us. However, we should not feel 125
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