Awaken The Dawn


if Jesus prayed, it is necessary for everyone else to pray. And however much He needed prayer, as to time and effort spent in its exercise, His followers need it even more than He did. So the people of God should make prayer as central to their lives as Jesus made it His…. If the followers of Jesus are to do great exploits for God they must mirror the pattern disclosed in the life of Jesus, and that pattern has prayer for a central motif. 6

In chapter 8, Jesus defends His ministry, employing “Father” eight times. He knows where He is going, He speaks of things the Father taught Him (things which He had “seen”!). He argues that He honors the Father. Surely this strong sense of sonship originated and matured in the life of prayer. It is no longer a secret to me why The Lord’s Prayer begins with “Our Father.” Prayer is a living communion, an actual interfacing with God. As children we speak with our Abba! This revelation changes a person’s life. To be aware of the Father’s care is to reflect a ministry of divine love. Sharpening the Focus Concept 6. Consciousness of His ministerial commission and sharpening its focus was the outgrowth of Jesus’ prayer life, because more than anything, prayer pre- pares a person for his or her life’s work and calling. Not to marginalize education and training, but prayer prior- itizes one’s knowledge of God’s will. Awoman seeking a husband, or a young man in search of a worthwhile pro-


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