30 Days On The Mount

Meekness praeis is ‘o ne of the great Greek ethical words…the regular word for an animal that has been domesticated, which has been trained to obey the word of command, which has learned to answer to the reins. ’ xiv If seen only in relationship to our fellowman, it would appear that the meek would always be taken advantage of, have no desire to stand for conviction and yet the opposite is true. ‘ The Christian word, on the contrary, describes an inward quality, and that as related primarily to God . ’ xiv It is first our attitude of humility towards the Lord and secondly manifested in our relationships to people. We are ‘tamed’ and domesticate d by the Master because of his love. The opposite qualities in human nature are violence, aggression, assertion, wildness and oppression. “Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble (meek) and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” (Mt 11:30 NLT) Jesus graciously offers to teach us the way of humility but we first must be yoked with him, committed to follow his guidance as the ‘lead ox.’ Under the yoke of his direction we react to life’s difficulties in a different way than those who lead t hemselves. ‘ The meek man is not proud of himself…does not assert himself…does not dem and for himself…is not even sensitive about himself…no longer protects himself…never pities himself…to be meek means that you have finished with yourself altogether.’ xiv Meekness is compatible with strength. ‘ It is the power and influence of our gifts, knowledge and abilities placed under the control of another ’ . xiv The meek get out of the way of God so he can move into the situation with his perfect knowledge and wisdom. It was said of Moses, the great leader


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